
Category: Product ID: 2882


Description : Bee propolis contains an active ingredient called Artepillin-C (ARC), an antioxidant which has been found to have extremely potent anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, hepato-protective, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anti-ulcer activities. Propolis has been used for centuries to enhance the immune system, treat various skin conditions, aid in preventing cancer and treat viral infections such as genital herpes. Bee propolis contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that have the ability to enhance and improve the immune system. In particular, it is thought that the bioflavonoids in propolis work to block the release of histamine, which works to develop the efficacy of the immune system and obstruct the formation of many common illnesses.

Ingredients : Medicinal Ingredients (per capsule), Bee Propolis 1000 mg , 30 capsules per bottle , (Vegetarian)

Disclaimer : Products on this site are offered as food supplements and are sold to enhance a balanced diet, they are not offered as a cure for any illness.