Acai Berry


Category: Product ID: 2798


Description : –  The popularity of Acai is primarily due to its very high concentration of antioxidants. Briefly, antioxidants are molecules that prevent the oxidation of other molecules. Acai has been recognised as one of the world’s highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) foods. ORAC is a measurement of how well antioxidants can neutralise free radicals.

The fibre found in Acai berry skin and pulp can aid digestion. Fibre can help prevent or relieve constipation and may help support a healthy cardiovascular system. Acai is naturally high in essential fatty acids having a fatty acid profile similar to olive oil. The link between essential fatty acids and heart health and a healthy nervous system is well documented.

Acai berries contain amino acids which help promote muscle performance, energy production, endurance and strength.

Ingredients :  –  Medicinal Ingredients (per capsule)

Acai Berry 2400mg (Vegan, Vegetarian)

30 Capsules per bottle

Disclaimer: – Products on this site are offered as food supplements and are sold to enhance a balanced diet, they are not offered as a cure for any illness.